








1.個人履歷(Cover letter、個人資料表(表格請至網頁下方下載)、自傳、學經歷、研究方向、研究成果、教學計畫、作目錄)



4.三封推薦信(由推薦人應直接寄至bai@my.nthu.edu.tw 王小姐)。



1.應聘者應113216日(星期五)Email電子檔資料至bai@my.nthu.edu.tw 王小,逾期不予受理。

2. 經書面審查通過者,合於應徵條件者將另行通知面試。


1. 相關網站:國立清華大學智慧生醫博士學位學程網站:https://bai.site.nthu.edu.tw/index.php

2. 非招聘期間或有任何疑問歡迎聯繫:

學程辦公室:bai@my.nthu.edu.tw ,或請洽電話 03-5715131 #35206 王小姐。

學程主任:lwyang@life.nthu.edu.tw,或請洽電話 03-5742467 楊立威主任。




Faculty Recruitment of BAI, NTHU(Application Deadline Feb 16,2024 (Fri)

Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Hsinchu, Taiwan, invites applications for faculty positions at all levels. The Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence provides outstanding opportunities for faculties to undertake advanced researches and engage in excellent educational programs. We seek for outstanding candidates from all fields of Biomedical Artificial Intelligence.

NTHU is situated in Hsinchu, Taiwan, embraced by the Hsinchu Science Park and Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park. In addition to having a beautiful campus, NTHU has a long history and is recognized as a leading research university in Taiwan. Applicants with quantitative and theoretical background working on biomedical research should provide the following documents: (1) curriculum vitae with a publication list, (2) personal profile (the form is provided in this website), (3) a cover letter, (4) statement of research achievements, (5) statement of research and teaching plan, (6) a photocopy of Ph.D. diploma, and (7) three reference letters (referees should directly send the letters to us via email bai@my.nthu.edu.tw, Ms Wang). (8) three representative publications (PDF).

Please submit your application through email to BAI secretary Ms Wang (bai@my.nthu.edu.tw ) with the required documents by Feb 16, 2024 (Fri). For additional inquiries please also contact Ms Wang via the aforementioned email addresses.  Information about BAI PhD program can be found at https://bai.site.nthu.edu.tw/index.php .

For the applicants applying for joining NTHU in Feb, the application period is from May to July in the previous year.

For the applicants applying for joining NTHU in Aug, the application period is from Nov previous year to Jan this year.

During non-recruitment periods or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Program Office at bai@my.nthu.edu.tw or call Ms. Wang at +886-3-5715131 ext. 35206. You may also reach out to the Chairman of the BAI PhD program, Professor Lee-Wei Yang, at lwyang@life.nthu.edu.tw or call +886-3-5742467.